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Board of Governors


Rev. P. Barton, B.A., B.Th.

Parent Reps

Mrs. K. Acheson

Mrs. A. Adams

Mrs. C. Corr

Mr. D. Rowe

North-Eastern Education & Library Board Reps

Mr. N. R. Bolt

Mr. B. Dillon, B.A. M.Ed. Cert.Ed. D.A.S.E. D.M.S.

Mr. J. D. Hamill

Mr. R. A. McIlroy

Transferor Reps

Mr. N. R. Bolt

Mr. B. Dillon, B.A. M.Ed. Cert.Ed. D.A.S.E. D.M.S.

Mr. J. D. Hamill

Mr. R. A. McIlroy

Teacher Reps

Mr. R.Gabe, M.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons), P.G.C.E.

Mr. M. Rafferty, B.A. (Hons), P.G.C.E.

The Board of Governors plays an increasingly important role in the administrative and curricular life of the school. A new Board is appointed every four years and it includes representatives from the Education and Library Board, Parents, Teachers and Transferors. The Governors present an Annual Report on the work of the previous school year each autumn term. The most recent report was published in November, 2011. A copy of the report is available on request from the school.

In the event of a parent or guardian having a complaint that they feel the Board of Governors is failing to fulfil its obligations under the Education Reform Order in relation to the provision of the Northern Ireland Curriculum, they should initially discuss the matter with the school principal and ask the school to look into the matter. If the matter is still not resolved and the parent feels the school is acting unreasonably or in some way not meeting its duty in relation to the Curriculum they will be able to take the complaint to an independent tribunal which the North-Eastern Education and Library Board will set up to deal with complaints.

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