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Teaching Staff:
  • Mrs G Neill (Head of Department)

  • Miss A Kearney

  • Mr J McPeak

  • Miss C McLaughlin

  • Mr R Gabe

"The essence of maths is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple. "

Stan Gudder

The Mathematics Department endeavours to present Mathematics in a thought-provoking and enjoyable way while igniting pupils’ curiosity.  Great care is taken to ensure the transition from primary to secondary school is as smooth as possible with mathematical skills being reinforced while developing and introducing new skills and concepts. 

We aim to:


  • make the learning of mathematics enjoyable, stimulating, and accessible to all.  We offer an extensive and developing mathematics curriculum that is pro-actively meeting the challenges and opportunities presented by the revised curriculum;

  • enable the pupils to apply mathematical skills within other areas of the curriculum and real life;

  • create a positive learning environment, an atmosphere of enjoyment and respect;

  • give the pupils opportunities to engage in self and peer assessment and take responsibility for their own learning.  Achievement at all levels is celebrated.

We help pupils to:


  • develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding;

  • gain experience using problem-solving strategies;

  • apply mathematical techniques in other subjects, every day and real-world situations;

  • reason mathematically, make predictions and draw conclusions;

  • interpret mathematical information displayed in graphs and tables communicate mathematical findings accurately and concisely;

  • acquire a foundation appropriate to the further study of mathematics and other related disciplines;

  • appreciate both the beauty and fun that mathematics offers.

Ks3 Topics


Working with Numbers



Fractions and Percentages

Ratio & Proportion

Handling Data

Representing Data

Averages & Range



Introduction to Algebra

Solving Equations




Shape, Space & Measure


2D and 3D shapes

Length & Perimeter


Volume & Capacity




Compound Measures

GCSE​ Mathematics (CCEA)

Pupils must take two units, one from M1-M4 and one from M5-M8.

The subject content includes:

  • Number and algebra

  • Geometry and Measures

  • Handling Data

This specification aims to:

  • develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts;

  • acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems;

  • reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions;

  • comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

GCSE in Further Mathematics  (CCEA)

This qualification is undertaken in Year 13 by pupils doing A Level Mathematics.

The exams are taken in June of Year 13.

Unit 1: Pure Mathematics

Unit 2: Mechanics

Unit 3: Statistics

This specification encourages students to extend their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding. It gives them opportunities to select and apply mathematical techniques and methods to everyday situations. It challenges and stretches students to broaden their mathematical knowledge to a more advanced level.

AS/A Level

Mathematics is taught collaboratively with pupils from Ballycastle High School and Cross and Passion College working together with teachers from both schools.

Pupils will sit the following examinations: 

Year 13 

AS 1: Pure Mathematics

AS 2: Applied Mathematics

Year 14

A2 1: Pure Mathematics

A2 2: Applied Mathematics.


All exams are taken in June of each year.

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